Both Clubs are sponsored by the Cowichan Valley Naturalists' Society (CVNS) and the Cowichan Land Trust.
Young Naturalists, Streamkeepers, and their families are invited to attend the CVNS Winter Celebration in December and the CVNS picnic in June.
For Infomation about the club, slide shows of past events, upcoming Explorer Days, and other local coming events related to science and nature, visit:
Explorer Days
FALL 2012 Message:
Greetings Cowichan Young Naturalists! We hope everyone had a great summer. Tell everyone you know about the Young Naturalists Clubs and invite them to come to an Explorer Day.
Here's the exciting program for this Fall -- mark it in your Calendars. For up-to-date information, visit our website and/or "Like" our Facebook page.
FALL 2012 Message:
Greetings Cowichan Young Naturalists! We hope everyone had a great summer. Tell everyone you know about the Young Naturalists Clubs and invite them to come to an Explorer Day.
Here's the exciting program for this Fall -- mark it in your Calendars. For up-to-date information, visit our website and/or "Like" our Facebook page.
- Tuesday, September 18, 10 am. Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup and a program about Quamichan Lake. Meet at Art Mann Park on Quamichan Lake. Click here for a map.
- Saturday, September 22, 10 am. Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup along the Cowichan River. Meet at 10 am at the Freshwater EcoCentre in Duncan. Click here for a map.
- Tuesday, October 23. Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre.
- Saturday, October 27. Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre.
- Saturday, November 24, 10 AM. All about streams and salmon with biologist David Clough. Meet at the Freshwater EcoCentre in Duncan.
- Tuesday, November 27, 1 PM. Notice the later time. All about streams and salmon with biologist David Clough. Meet at the Freshwater EcoCentre in Duncan.
- Tuesday, December 18. Winter celebration with the Cowichan Valley Naturalists at the Freshwater EcoCentre in Duncan.
June 19, 2012
5:00 p.m. at Hecate Park/Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre.
Bring food to share. Bring your own dishes and drinks. Bring a friend.
The date of the February Young Naturalists Club Explorer Day is being changed so the club can participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. Our Apologies for any inconvenience.
The Young Naturalists Club bird count will be at 10 am on Saturday, February 18. Meet at Maple Grove Park in Cowichan Bay (click here for a map). This is instead of the Explorer Day scheduled for February 25. Dress for the weather, of course, and bring binoculars if you have some.
The Great Backyard Bird Count goes from Friday, February 17 to Monday, February 20. For information and instructions, visit
Do a count on your own: It's easy, it's fun, and it's real science.
5:00 p.m. at Hecate Park/Cowichan Estuary Nature Centre.
Bring food to share. Bring your own dishes and drinks. Bring a friend.
The date of the February Young Naturalists Club Explorer Day is being changed so the club can participate in the Great Backyard Bird Count. Our Apologies for any inconvenience.
The Young Naturalists Club bird count will be at 10 am on Saturday, February 18. Meet at Maple Grove Park in Cowichan Bay (click here for a map). This is instead of the Explorer Day scheduled for February 25. Dress for the weather, of course, and bring binoculars if you have some.
The Great Backyard Bird Count goes from Friday, February 17 to Monday, February 20. For information and instructions, visit
Do a count on your own: It's easy, it's fun, and it's real science.
You don't need to count birds in your backyard; any place will do.
Count for 15 minutes, an hour, or all day.
Count on one day or count on all four days.
Everyone in the Cowichan YNC who participates will get a Certificate and will be eligible for a prize draw.
Enter the online photo contest for a chance to win fabulous prizes.
Do you need help with the website, data sheets, printing, instructions, or birds? Do you need a YNC bird ID card? Email or call 250-746-6141 and Linda and I will try to help.
Enter the online photo contest for a chance to win fabulous prizes.
Do you need help with the website, data sheets, printing, instructions, or birds? Do you need a YNC bird ID card? Email or call 250-746-6141 and Linda and I will try to help.

The Cowichan Valley Naturalists and Young Naturalists' Club Annual Solstice Party will start at 5.30 pm next Tuesday, December 20th.
Come out and enjoy a fun evening at the Freshwater EcoCentre with your friends.
- an inexpensive gift for a Young Naturalist;
- an item of food to share at the Pot Luck supper;
- a plate, mug, and cutlery for each person;
- a bag in which to take these home.
Enjoy, food, fellowship, music, gifts, and crafts for all the young at heart.
10 AM Saturday November 26.
Worms, Compost, and Water with Christy Dishkin from the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange. Meet at the Freshwater EcoCentre on Wharncliffe Road in Duncan. From the Trans Canada Highway, go East on Trunk Road and stay in the right lane. At the signal, go straight on Marchmont, (do not bear left towards Maple Bay). Drive to the end and turn right. The Freshwater EcoCentre is at the end of the block. Here's a map: They're doing some work in the parking lot, so it might be best to park on the street and walk in.
Bring your passports. See you then!
Questions? 250-746-6141 or 250-715-5261.
Questions? 250-746-6141 or 250-715-5261.
10 AM Tuesday, November 22
Worms, Compost, and Water with Christy Dishkin from the Nanaimo Recycling Exchange. Meet at the Freshwater EcoCentre on Wharncliffe Road in Duncan. From the Trans Canada Highway, go East on Trunk Road and stay in the right lane. At the signal, go straight on Marchmont, (do not bear left towards Maple Bay). Drive to the end and turn right. The Freshwater EcoCentre is at the end of the block. Here's a map: They're doing some work in the parking lot, so it might be best to park on the street and walk in.
Tuesday, June 21, 5 pm. Picnic with the Cowichan Valley Naturalists' Society at Eves Park in Westholme.