Rachel Pollet is a long-time summer resident on Hornby who has returned for a
second summer to host the Natural History Exhibit. She is also going
to be your YNC leader while I'm away this summer!
As you can see in the photos, we had a nice day for low-tide exploration a couple weeks ago. There should be another intertidal walk coinciding with a low tide in July for those that couldn't make it.
Our next YNC outing is set for Tuesday July 3rd at Sandpiper
beach. This day's activities will focus on fine dining on the seashore -
a little discovery of who's eating who. At the end of our visit,
the hope is to create a large food web reflecting our discoveries. The
hope is that we will be there for low tide, or as close to low tide as
possible. I'd like to set this for a 12:30. If this conflicts with
anyone's swimming lessons let me know.
Please bring water, snacks, suitable footwear and sun protection.
It is important for me to know how many families will be joining us on Tuesday. Please reply as soon as possible.
Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday,
Natural History Summer Coordinator 2012
Please bring water, snacks, suitable footwear and sun protection.
It is important for me to know how many families will be joining us on Tuesday. Please reply as soon as possible.
Thanks so much and looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday,
Natural History Summer Coordinator 2012

As you can see in the photos, we had a nice day for low-tide exploration a couple weeks ago. There should be another intertidal walk coinciding with a low tide in July for those that couldn't make it.
Our next young naturalists get together will be for a Nature Photography outing on Saturday, April 21st at my place near Helliwell Park. A good friend of mine, Sharon MacDonnell, will join us with her camera and years of professional photography experience to help guide the group through a couple hours of fun with our cameras.
The next outing is scheduled for Friday, February 24th at Ford's Cove. We will meet in the cove parking lot at 9:30 am, head up to the Zielinski's to talk about the herring spawn and the abundance of marine life in the area this time of year. Then, Rob and Amanda have generously offered to take us out on their boat - but space is limited to 12 people so please pre-register by calling me by Friday February 17th. If there are more than 12 people interested, it may be possible to do two outings that morning. The boat outing will be to Norris Rocks where sealions love to gather. Everyone must have a life jacket. Let me know ahead of time if you require one for yourself or your child - we should be able to find one to lend.
Marine Mammal Talk and Walk
Where: Heron Rocks
When: January 28, 2012 at 2:00 p.m.
Meet at the Heron Rocks Friendship Centre