Leaders in the Spotlight!

The YNC Club Leaders are passionate, dedicated voluteers who commit their time and talents to connecting hundreds of young people to nature each year. Two of our Nature Clubs Leaders were recently recognized by their local adult Nature Club for their efforts. Congratulations!

Eva on her own icy Explorer Day!
Eva Nagy, leader of the Vancouver YNC Club since 2002 and YNC Board Member, received the Kay Beamish Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Nature Education from Nature Vancouver at their AGM in April. In the award presentation it was noted "In the nine years that Eva has been leader she has organized a minimum of ten Explorer Days a year, each attended by up to 30 children and parents, occasionally more  –  over the nine years that is an attendance of 2500 at least....There is scarcely an area that YNC Vancouver has not visited - wetlands, beaches, forests, ponds, farms - always led by the finest experts Eva can find and she is always finding new experts and new experiences. Children have also built bird boxes, gone ponding and `critter hunting` and even studied plants at UBC labs." Eva has indeed done a marvelous job of providing incredible learning and exploring opportunities for YNC members and her club became so popular that addtional Vancouver YNC Clubs were started in Stanley Park and North Vancouver to accomodate all the interested families.

Noriko in the field with her club

Noriko Nakaya, leader of the Burke Mountain YNC Club since 2008, received the Garibaldi Award  for "her role as a catalyst for nature education of young naturalists" from Nature Vancouver at their AGM in April.  In addition to being a club leader and organizing interesting, well attended Explorer Days for her club members she frequently volunteers at special events with the YNC display and touch table items. During the Award presentation it was said that "Noriko is the kind of leader group’s dream of having.  She is enthusiastic, organised and full of energy. Her programs for the Burke Mountain Young Naturalists' Club are well attended and receive wonderful feedback.  Noriko books fascinating guest leaders to host explorations of everything from local bird life to stream and salmon ecosystems.  She is an active promoter devoted to letting people know about the fantastic natural history of the Port Moody area." 

Congratulations to both Noriko and Eva!