YNC Annual General Meeting- You are invited!

When: Saturday May 12th at 9 am  
 Where: Okanagan College, 1000 KLO Road, Kelowna

 The YNC is a registered Canadian Charity and holds an Annual General Meeting (AGM). All current members of the YNC are invited to attend the AGM and have a right to participate in the election of the 2012/2013 Board of Directors  (list below) as well as attend to other YNC business.  The AGM will be followed by a YNC Leader meeting and you are most welcome to join us. 

Please let us know whether you will be attending by emailing info@ync.ca RSVP by Mon. April 30th. 

If you are not able to join the meeting in Kelowna, the 2011 Annual Report, Financial Statements, and a listing of the elected 2012-2013 Board of Directors will be posted on www.ync.ca shortly.

Note: Our AGM happens in conjunction with the BC Nature AGM and rotates around the province. This year we are being hosted by Central Okanagan Naturalist Club- thank you to the Central Okanagan Naturalists for welcoming the YNC!  More info about the BC Nature Spring Conference and AGM please see their website

2012 Young Naturalists’ Club of BC
Slate of Directors standing for election at May 12 AGM

Daphne Solecki
Daphne is the founder and current president of the YNC BC. She joined Nature Vancouver in 1985 and has served as a director and in various other roles since then. She is also past president of Nature Vancouver, and of BC Nature. Having come to the enjoyment of nature late in life, she created the Young Naturalists' Club of British Columbia, launched in 2000. Currently she is involved in the evolution of YNC from a mostly volunteer organization to a mature and professionally led organization.  She steps down as President this year but will continue to serve as Honourary President.

Daphne is the recipient of several awards including the Queens Jubilee Medal, the BC Nature Elton Anderson Award, BC Ministry of Environment Arbor Vitae Award and the Nature Vancouver’s Ney Award for Conservation and the Kay Beamish Award for Nature Education. Daphne recently received a Honourary Life Membership in Nature Vancouver in recognition of her many years of service. In  2012 she was the recipient of a BC Community Achievement Award.

Ian McKeachie
Ian joined the YNC Board in the fall of 2010. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Geography and a Master's in Ecological Economics. Ian brings both an understanding of ecological systems and economic realities to his board position at the YNC.

Ian grew up on Vancouver Island, an area rich in natural beauty and resources. Thanks to his parents’ enthusiasm for the outdoors, he was fortunate to explore some of the vast wilderness around him.  This inspired in him a profound connection with nature which he wants to share with other young people. Ian believes that the most effective way to conserve the environment for the future is to inspire young people to protect it, by fostering in them a respect and love for their natural surroundings. It was this sentiment that brought Ian to his involvement with the Young Naturalists’ Club of BC. He believes that the Young Naturalists’ Club of BC provides an amazing opportunity for families to come together and learn about nature while experiencing the outdoors, thereby cultivating and nurturing a much needed respect and love for nature and community.

Ian lives in Vancouver and works as an accountant at Expedia Cruise Ship Centers. He tries to get outside as much as possible. Hiking and skiing in the Coast Mountains, and exploring the local shoreline are favourite pastimes.

Heather Chatwin
“My favorite earliest memories are peering under rocks by the estuary of the Tlell River (Haida Gwaii). Then, while sitting in the soft moss and lichens and eating a handful of huckleberries, I’d watch red squirrels noisily tearing apart cones. Playing in nature by the Tlell River shaped me fundamentally, and I hope that all children can have a chance to play quietly by themselves, or imaginatively with their friends and family, outside in the forest. I love being the leader of the Victoria Young Naturalists, and seeing the excitement on kids’ faces as they taste forest teas, or touch soft owl feathers.”

Heather has a bachelor’s degree in Political Science, that is focused on environmental policy and protection in British Columbia and Canada, and a background in environmental programming for youth and children. Her educational hopes are to combine a naturalist’s love for nature with education in the ways of thinking and social/political values that effect its preservation and promotion.

Currently Heather is a Parks Interpreter with Capital Regional Parks, Victoria.  This will be Heather’s first term as a director of the YNC Board.

Bob Peart
Bob has been a director of YNC since 2009. He has been an avid outdoors person ever since he was a kid --- he particularly enjoys backpacking, kayaking and birdwatching.  He is a biologist with a Masters Degree in Education.  Bob has worked for the past 35 years in parks planning and land use, as well as public conservation education. He has been employed at both professional and senior management levels within government agencies including Parks Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Service, and the BC Ministry of Aboriginal Affairs. Bob has also held Executive Director positions with the BC Outdoor Recreation Council and the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society-BC Chapter, and has volunteered for numerous conservation organizations over the past 30 years.  Bob is 'self-employed and semi-retired' and works on various contracts that interest him.  

Currently Bob is a Director of The Kesho Trust; a senior associate for Children & Nature Network (US); Vice-chair of The Child and Nature Alliance of Canada; and a Director of the Elders Council for Parks in BC. He serves as a Director Emeritus for the Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society and The Grassland Conservation Council of BC.  In 2008 Bob was awarded Canada's highest conservation award, The J.B.Harkin Medal, for his lifelong achievement and dedication to nature.

Laura Estrada
Laura joined the Board in 2009. She is an environmental and Earth science educator who is passionate about rediscovering our relationship to the natural world. Though originally from Guatemala, her curiosity about Earth's changing landscapes led her to pursue a B.Sc. in Earth Sciences and Biology at Memorial University in Newfoundland and was later inspired to explore the development of children’s ecological identities through an M.A. at UBC.

Currently, Laura is working with the Mineral Resources Education Program of BC in which she works with teachers to help them incorporate Earth sciences and mining education into their classrooms. The purpose of the program is to bring awareness through education about the province’s mineral resources, the crucial roles of minerals in everyday life, as well as the study of the responsible use and conservation of mineral resources.

She is honoured to be part of the YNC, which continues to fuel and reinforce her passion about developing a strong relationship to our natural world.

Ruth Foster
Ruth joined the Board in 2007. She is a nationally recognized environmental education specialist. She is the recipient of the prestigious Canadian Environmental Award for Environmental Learning, the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence and the VanCity Environmental Educator’s Award. She is also an associate with the Pacific WildLife Foundation and a naturalist with the Reed Point Marine Education Centre.

In 1976 she co-founded an award-winning stream rehabilitation project that has served as a living classroom for thousands of students. Today Mossom Creek is alive with salmon. Ruth continues to teach through Simon Fraser University’s Faculty of Education and to mentor students at the Mossom Creek Hatchery in Port Moody. 

Eva Nagy
Eva Nagy is a long time member of Nature Vancouver, having served as a director and as Botany Section coordinator and trip leader. She has been a YNC BC director since 2006, during which time she served as Treasurer 2006 - 2009.

For the past nine years she has been leader of YNC Vancouver and shared with members her love of mountains and the rich natural history of British Columbia. She has taken full advantage of all the wonderful nature places in metro Vancouver and its museums and academic institutions for memorable YNC Explorer Days.

Eva was awarded the Kay Beamish Award for Extraordinary Achievement in Nature Education by Nature Vancouver in 2011.

George Bangham
George is one of the original YNC Board members and has served for 10 years. Growing up as a young boy in remote communities in BC (was a Junior Forest Warden with a red shirt!) has given him a deep feeling for nature and he would like to see all children experience the wonders of nature in some way in their development.

He brings his many years of business experience including Director of Planning and Project Administration for Western Canada with a major (Cellular) Telecom Co. prior to retirement. Following retirement he was a Consultant on projects throughout the US.

George has been a Director with Nature Vancouver and is presently a member of their Finance Committee. He has also been a Regional Coordinator with BC Nature.

Lynne Carson
Lynne Carson is a retired Certified General Accountant who left the formal workforce after eighteen years to raise a family in North Vancouver. She was introduced to the YNC in 2010 by her longtime friend (and previous YNC Club Coordinator) Jennifer Swanston and has been volunteering her financial accounting skills to the YNC since then.  Lynne has a solid understanding of the YNC finances and is interested in volunteering her considerable financial and accounting experience as a Director on the YNC Board.

“I thought it would be interesting to combine my skills as an accountant and my interest in nature and ecology.” says Lynne. Lynne joined the board in 2011.

Vanessa Lee
“I am passionately involved with anything green, watery or mountainous!  The love affair all started about 11 years ago with tracking snakes in Ontario Provincial Parks has continued since with environmental education and interpretation out west in various positions, from a Richmond classroom teacher, a Vancouver Aquarium interpreter to my current position as a Metro Vancouver Regional Parks Interpretation Leader.  I’ve also dedicated my volunteer time in the past to the David Suzuki Foundation and am currently on the executive committees of Interpretation Canada and EEPSA (Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association).  I am dedicated to connecting people to nature’s awe and wonder, and hope to inspire care of place and wild things.”

Vanessa recently completed a Masters of Ecological Education. Vanessa joined the board in 2011.