Northern Vancouver Island

 **Leader positions currently vacant. Presently seeking two volunteer co-leaders**
Click here for more information

Past Explorer Days

April 2013
Malcolm Island
Spring Bird Count

Saturday, February 23, 2013
Sunset School Library 
Marine Debris – Where does it come from and what you can do
Will Soltau – Living Oceans Society 
Living Oceans Society are undertaking a program to “Clear the Coast” 
Learn about tsunami debris. Will has found a wrecked boat with Japanese life jackets on the west coast recently. This presentation may lead to a west coast beach clean-up for the Club. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013
10:00 AM
MoF board room, Port McNeill 
Cougar and Bear Awareness
Tanner Beck, Conservation Officer, will educate us about the natural history of bears and cougars and how we can wisely share Northern Vancouver with these wild neighbors.
December 29, 2012 
9:00 PM
Sointula Firehall
Malcolm Island Bird Count
Please contact Annemarie Koch (250-973-6465) if you are able to join the bird count.
November 3rd,2012
Patrick Donaghy (Regional District) and Paul Getman
Tours of 7-mile landfill and a water & waste treatment plants.
Where does it go when it goes “away”?
The tour addresses some of the key questions in understanding our connectedness to nature and how we can create positive change with our daily behaviours. The main idea to be strived for with this outing is – that there is no “away”; that we must be responsible for our waste.