NatureKids BC helps children get outdoors to explore, play, learn about and take action for nature.
Through their participation in NatureKids BC, children develop a love of nature, a lifelong connection to the natural world, and have the environmental literacy and skills to take action for nature.NatureKids is an exciting nature discovery and environmental action program that invites young people ages 5-12 years to discover nearby nature on Explorer Day Adventures with local experts, learn about native wildlife and plants in NatureWILD Magazine and take part in environmental actions to protect their habitat with Stewardship Projects and an Action Awards Quest.
NatureKids is a registered charity, powered by passionate volunteers, members and donors. Join the Club! Become a member, subscribe to NatureWILD, or make a donation today.
More about NatureKids
- Meet the 2016-2017 Board Of Directors
- 2016-2019 Strategic Plan
- Current Financial Statements (2015)
- Sponsors & Funding Partners
- Annual Reports
Some Frequently Asked Questions
Where are the clubs?Nature clubs can be found across the Province of BC. From Prince George to Victoria, our network of family and school nature clubs engage youth in exploring the wonderfully diverse ecosystems of British Columbia.
How long ?
NatureKids has been connecting children and nature through a unique program of volunteer-led nature clubs across the province of BC since 2000.
Why is this important?
A growing body of evidence confirms that when children spend time in nature they are healthier, happier, and smarter. Since 2000, the NatureKids has been encouraging children to explore and become excited about nature. Outdoor activities such as ponding, mushroom hunting and bird watching invite children and their families to discover the natural treasures of their own region.