Hug-A-Tree Contest

Categories: 1.  Photography    2. Art      3. Poetry

Wonderful prizes for the winners and the runners up.  
There are two levels for entries: 
(a) 8 years old and under and, 
(b) 9 years old and above. 
YNC members can enter any or all three categories.

Photography: Your Most Amazing Tree Hug—with one hugger, or as many as you can organize.  You can also enter this photograph with Nature Canada’s Most Amazing Tree Hug competition at 

Art: Your Favourite tree in winter—a drawing, a painting a collage, or any other art form.

Poetry:  I love Trees—write a poem about your favourite tree or your favourite forest.

To Enter: email to with YNC Competition in subject line don't forget to include your contact information and YNC Club in your email! All entries must be received by January 31st, 2012.