Get ready..set.. count Birds! GBBC Starts today!

During February 17 – 20, 2012 (This weekend!!!) take part in a family-friendly, educational activity that is lots of fun, costs nothing, and helps your local birds! Each year, tens of thousands of people throughout the U.S. and Canada take part in the Great Backyard Bird Count (GBBC). Participants count in their
backyards, out their office windows, at local parks and nature centers, and absolutely anywhere else! 

You can spend as little as 15 minutes counting birds,
or even make a whole weekend of it. You could also win some cool prizes!

Get Bird Lists for your area, track checklists as the come in or view the online bird guide! Then go count some birds!

People of all ages and all levels of bird-watching experience are welcome.
The GBBC is a great way to learn more about the birds in your community
and connect with nature, and is perfect for fl edgling birders.
You can count by yourself, with your family, community group, school, or
friends! It’s an ideal way for more experienced birders to introduce children,
grandchildren, and others to the wonderful world of birds.
“It was a lot of fun for me and my kids - I look forward to
next year! It’s a great, easy way to get them engaged with the
natural world around us.”